[email protected] (508)309-2110


Glogou Business Continue Plan 


Business Continue Plan (BCP) provides a roadmap for the continuation of business operations under adverse conditions, such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, or any event that could disrupt business operations.


Key elements of a business continuity plan usually include:


Business Impact Analysis (BIA):  Glogou identify the third party platform Weibo and WeChat is time-sensitive function - a prolonged outage could result in posts not published on time.



Recovery: This outlines the steps the business will take to recover its business processes after a disruption. Weibo and WeChat are public traded in US stock market, both have millions online users and experienced on Recovery handling.


Organization: Glogou  set up a Business Continuity Team consisting of members from various departments, each with defined roles and responsibilities during a disruption.


Training: Glogou provides regular workshops to educate team about the BCP and their roles in case of a business disruption.