[email protected] (508)309-2110

Glogou Information Security Introduction


Mission Statement

Glogou IT team is committed to safeguarding the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of our business information assets. We strive to protect our systems and data from cyber threats, ensuring a secure environment that fosters trust among our customers, stakeholders, and team. Our goal is to maintain business continuity, mitigate risk, comply with applicable laws and regulations.


Organization Chart

Below is a simplified organization chart for our Information Security Unit:

                    Information/Security Team


                          /             |                \


         Website Maintenance    AWS   Email/Social Media


      /               |          \            /         \             \            


Network Security    Application Security   Incident Response



Information Security Policies

Access Control Policy: Outlines who has access to which systems and data, and the procedures for granting and revoking access.

Incident Response Policy: Describes how to identify, report, and respond to security incidents.

Data Classification and Handling Policy: Defines how different types of data should be classified, handled, stored, and transmitted.

Acceptable Use Policy: Details which staffs acceptable use of the company’s systems and data.

Disaster Recovery Policy: Lays out the procedures for maintaining business operations in the event of a disaster.

Training Policy: Details the training programs about security threats and how to avoid them